Plaque vs. Tartar: Differences and Prevention
December 22, 2021
Your teeth are covered by enamel, which makes them hard, durable, and able to handle wear and tear for many years. However, by allowing plaque to build up and harden on your tooth enamel, you increase...
4 Tips to Protect Your Tooth Enamel
December 15, 2021
Tooth enamel is the hard outer layer of your teeth that helps to protect the soft inner tissue, called the pulp, against tooth decay and infection. Even though it is stronger than bone, enamel can wea...
What Is Leukoplakia?
December 1, 2021
It’s easy to feel confused or alarmed when you notice a sudden change in your oral health. If you’ve observed unusual white patches in your mouth, chances are, you’re experiencing le...